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August 18, 2008



Despite my online tech goof, the print version of the cartoon brought in a healthy crop of entries...

No -- But I did stay at Ye Olde Holiday Inn Express last night!!!

Kim Payne
Mt. Pleasant


for Friday, August 15:

1/ " I'll never eat fondue again."

2/ " Hey everybody! Fondue at my place tonight."


Tim Carswell
James Island, SC


Uhhh... really I only have a toothache!

Oh, sorry about that - I only pass gas when I am nervous.

Dude - your eyes are really freaking me out!

Scott Van Buren
Mount Pleasant


" And this is where his heart would be if he hadn't worked for Enron!" Submitted by Susan Brady, Mount Pleasant


"If this doesn't kill him, the bill will."

submitted by Robert Jackson
North Charleston, SC


"Maybe the patient was not dead after all."

"Sorry Doc, I refused the anesthesia because I was not sure Medicare would pick up that part of the bill."

submitted by V. Jackson
Charleston, SC


"I should have read my Organ Donor card a little more carefully!"

"My HMO gets worse and worse every year."

"When my health insurance announced more cuts, I didn't think it would go this far."

S. Murray


Hey! We're gonna need a bigger cloth!

We can't hold this pose much longer, Rembrandt.

Jan Beaujon
West Ashley


"I would like to get a second opinion."

Peggy Todd, Charleston


"I always considered myself a Renaissance man, but..."

S. Murray


" Ye Professor said that there would be a severe penalty for being late for class."

"The King said that he would be "cutting" his staff to save on medical costs."

" Don't worry, if you die he fails the final exam."

"He said he wanted a foolproof treatment to prevent liver cancer."

Mark Gray
Wilmington, NC


Hey wait, isn't he supposed to be asleep first.


Are you really sure that you want to do the cutting, Shakey?


Do any of you guys know where the appendix is??


What do you mean - he has no insurance???


are you sure that you finished the Surgery For Dummies book??

-- Jerry Bauman



Here are my captions for the cartoon on 8/15/08.

1. Bartender! Bring me whatever they’ve been drinking.

2. Oh, Oh! This isn’t The Gilliard Theater, is it?

3. I swear, I’ll never get that drunk again.

4. Hey! That tickles.

5. Me thinks the bloom is off of Dr. Tulip’s composure.

6. Me thinks the bloom is off of Dr. Tulip’s lesson.

7. Dr. Tulip, I presume?

8. My, what big eyes you have!

Bob Tilidetzke


"MUSC's first ever volunteer medical study"

Matthew Maksimowitz
Mt. Pleasant, SC


1) "Man, I just had the worst nightmare!"

2) "This is just a bad dream, right?"

3) "Is this Sven's Bar?"

4) "Is it too late for another little drinkie?"

5) "That last drink was a doozy---I don't feel so well!"

6) "Wait, I didn't pay my bar tab!"

7) "You said this would be painless!"

8) "I just changed my mind, Doc!"

9) "I'd like to go home now, okay?"

10) "Could you let my wife know I'll be late for dinner?"

11) "I'm thinking you picked up the wrong guy, doc!"

12) "Hold it, I forgot to pay the premium on my medical insurance!

13) "I don't remember signing up for this!"

14) "I have a sinking feeling I shouldn't have signed that agreement....."

15) "I've made a terrible mistake!"

Annette Bonin
West Ashley


Cartoon caption for Aug.15----

The doctor told me this operation was just horrendous 100 years ago.

Never again will I mention to my doctor that I have a broken heart.

Doc says after this procedure I can do any thing I want.

The new scrubs have been ordered.

I am terrified that these guys do not have enough light!!

Lele Stuntebeck, Mt. Pleasant


1. "No but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!"

2." Who brought the hammer!"

3."Now read the next step!"

4. "Did any of you see the ALIEN!"

-- Peggy Brockman


"Doctors, do you do an autopsy before or after death"?

"Gentlemen, give the patient a bullet to bite on, being my first surgery this may take awhile to locate the problem!"

June Griggs


See y'all later this afternoon with the Monday entries and this week's finalists...

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