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July 24, 2008


Alan Seim

Hi folks, Alan here. Let's have some fun:

"But you forgot my Manolo Blahniks."

Maryellen McLaughlin, Mt. Pleasant


"I love you, but I don't trust those hair extensions."

Sue Holling, Meggett


"Pardon, would your name happen to be Princess?"

Justin Tyme, Charleston


"Hi Fannie, it's Freddie, did you hear we been rescued?"

Danny Coggins, Ladson


1) "I heard you were having a bad hair day, so look what I made!"

2) "This is what happens when you mix an Erector Set with the Brothers Grimm!"

Susan Murray, West Ashley


"It took me six months to build this rig. The next you lose your hanky, get the prince to pick it up."

Tim Hobby, Summerville


1) "I used my armor and the legs off the round table."

2) "I'm your Knight who knows how to better use his shining armor."

3) "Come quick before the other Knights miss their jousting lances."

Larry Duncan, Walterboro


1) "My Lady, You dropped your hanky, Sir Highlifts at your service!"

2) "What's the matter My Lady, don't you know you are supposed to let down your hair?"

3) "With the price of gas I hope this hanky is a family heirloom!"

June Griggs, North Charleston


Hi everybody. I'm on vacation but I figured I'd check in to collect the entries that wound up in my inbox instead of Alan's. Here's what I got:

I had calculated that the tensile strength of your hair would not have held me.

Rob Turner, Charleston


"I just happened to be strolling by . . ."

Perry Hudel, Summerville


My submittals:

You’re lucky I was washing the castle windows. If I hadn’t caught this, it would have landed right on Sir Lancelot’s head.

No, but my dog’s name is “Prince”.

If you slide down one of these legs, we can go to my place and play “Dragon Quest Swords” on my Wii.

Marc Batten

West Ashley


Welcome to the wierd, wonderful world of Dan Conover!

1) "I believe you dropped your 'palm pilot', Princess!"

2) "Your 'palm pilot' is fixed---thanks for calling the Geek Squad!"

3) "I designed this new steed specifically for maidens in distress!"

4) "Technologically, things have changed since you've been in your ivory tower!"

5) "I came to offer you a hand, your highness."

6) "It beats having to climb up your 'golden hair', Princess!"

7) "We aim to please at Best Buy!"

8) "Don't be disappointed---my last name is Knight!"

9) "You dropped your hanky Princess. Call again for assistance!"

10) "I'm available 24/7 for any other needs you might have!"

Annette Bonin
West Ashley



I have some captions from two friends to send along to you.

From Rick Nanko (N. Charleston) comes this one: Phillip's Window Washing at your service, Princess.

From Marilyn Oakes (N. Charleston) come the following.

1. Luckily, my son's erector set had just enough pieces.

2. Contraption?! You should have seen the Lego version.

3. Oh! My stilts are sinking. Quick, hop on.

4. Wow! I can't believe that you rigged up that contraption just to return my handkerchief.

And from me (Bob Tilidetzke in Summerville):

1. I'm sorry, but that handkerchief belongs to Penelope in the next castle.

2. The elevator is busted and this is the only way I could get your prop handkerchief up to you.

3. Oh this? I lost a bet.

4. So, Betty, you want to see my Lego set after the play?


Bob Tilidetzke


Hi Princess, here is your handkerchief. I have been drinking this elixer and building myself up to meet you.

Don't call me Bryce anymore. From now on I'm Doc Ock.

Hey princess. Look what I made with my new erector set.

Could you PLEASE come downstairs to talk.

Hi my name is Bryce and I think that I am falling for you.

Jerry Bauman, Summerville


" Okay, so I'm no George Clooney. But, it's guys like me that are running the world, one
megabyte at a time."

from sunny cook Summerville, South Carolina


I'm not sure that I'll be checking back in before 5 p.m., so if you're going to be filing another entry before the deadline, be sure to send it to [email protected].

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