I talked to a lot of Charlestonians today -- natives, recent transplants, long-time residents -- and this stands out: Most people, regardless of political affiliation, are optimistic about what Obama can do. His speech rang true for many with its emphasis on old-fashioned values such as hard work, patriotism and selflessness.
Let's not be mistaken, there are still remnants of old and ugly racism in this town, which a local bartender heard just today. But the inauguration ceremonies gave most of us hope that, instead of being the norm, such sentiment publicly expressed will be met with disapproval and censure. Indeed, those expressing such opinions were made unwelcome and, better yet, derided.
There were snow flurries on the peninsula tonight. Who would have thought? Perhaps this really is a time to expect the unusual and to hope for something out of the ordinary.
For a complete gallery of photographs from today's showing at Marion Square, check this out. I heard from the gracious Barbara Vaughn that the idea for the community broadcast came from the mayor himself. Nice!
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