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Write to Friday 5

  • Want to "order off the menu?" here on Friday 5? E-mail Dan at conover AT postandcourier.com.

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March 09, 2007



I love it! Personally - I'd say 'feel lucky' and 'be safe' - with the former, the worst thing that can happen to you is that you have to replant! And if you're lucky - you'll have all sorts of great stuff earlier than everybody else and you can brag about it to friends, family, and even strangers. I think you should do another 5 things to plant once April 15th rolls around...or 5 best antique roses? or 5 best camellias? I'm seeing a periodic garden theme here, and if you need a guest blogger, just ask (plus, you know how I feel about Pete's!). I do believe that I need a Leopard plant (or two or three) today...that whole plant therapy thing.

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